3 Zodiac Signs That Cry Fake Tears to Win a Fight

3 Zodiac Signs That Cry Fake Tears to Win a Fight
3 Zodiac Signs That Cry Fake Tears to Win a Fight. Photo: pexels

Disagreements are very common in relationships, and most couples have effective ways to end a fight and make up with each other.

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While some tend to adopt healthy means to end a fight quickly, there are certain couples who resort to toxic ways to make their partner feel guilty for hurting them.
From Aquarius to Aries, see the zodiac signs that will cry fake tears to win a fight with their partner.

1 – Aquarius

Aquarius doesn’t believe in spending too much time having heated arguments, as they prefer to plan quality time with their lover. So, when a discussion tends to drag on, they use calm logic and clear communication to try and end the fight. But if that doesn’t work, they simply bring out fake tears to make their partner feel guilty and make them feel as though the fight has emotionally overwhelmed Aquarius.

2 – Leo

Certain zodiac signs have an unbearable need to always be right. They can’t handle losing an argument, even when it comes to their loved ones. Whether it’s the boyfriend or the husband, this zodiac sign tends to cry when they seem to be losing in a row. This is merely to gain quick sympathy and be pampered by their boyfriend, rather than be proven wrong in the matter.

3 – Scorpio

A Scorpio is a master manipulator and easily knows how to pull the strings of their partner. If they’re dating someone who is sensitive, they know fake tears will halt the discussion and they’ll get what they want on the matter. This is often the reason they cry crocodile tears to end the fight when a discussion stagnates or there’s a deadlock in a discussion with their lover.
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